What is Spotify?

spotufy-logoTechnically Spotify is a 100% legal, peer-to-peer music streaming service that runs on your computer but it is so much more than this boring technical description might make you think…

Spotify is quite simply changing the way millions of people buy, listen and think about music. Trust us you will NEVER listen to music in the same way again once you use Spotify.

Check out the following official Spotify ad first…

Spotify offers Unlimited *1 music for free *2

  • *1 = Spotify offers you access to as much music as they have in their ever expanding music library – I have yet to come across anything that I wanted to listen to and it not being available.
  • *2 = Spotify play your 30 seconds of adverts every 30 minutes or so if you use their free service. So the music is free but you have to listen to ads every so often – much less than any commercial radio station though!

Making music social

As well as giving you access to an unlimited amount of music for free Spotify also allows you to share your favourite groups of tracks (playlists) with as many other people as you want to via facebook and via sites like http://sharemyplaylists.com (which The Blog House developed) allowing you to get new ‘mix tapes’ every single day!

The future of Spotify?

There is an official Spotify iPhone App waiting somewhere in Apple’s HQ waiting to be approved. IF this gets approved by Mr Jobs et al then for £9.99 a month (Premium Spotify package) you will be able to sync all your favourite music onto your iPhone and stream ALL of the music on Spotify via WiFi or a 3G connection!

Also Spotify is only available in Europe currently but the guys at Spotify plan to launch in USA at the end of 2009 / early 2010 and once the Americans come online, music will simply never be the same again.

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