Microsoft irrelevant in 5 years?

I am a technology fan first and foremost and secondly a long time Microsoft user of their products and software as I have grown up, like most of my generation (I am 29) using Microsoft technology in both my daily work and personal life as Microsoft / Windows put simply was that ubiquitous that computing WAS Microsoft to most people. However since Vista, and especially since Bill left back in July 2008 Microsoft seem intent on shooting themselves in the…

What is Spotify?

Technically Spotify is a 100% legal, peer-to-peer music streaming service that runs on your computer but it is so much more than this boring technical description might make you think… Spotify is quite simply changing the way millions of people buy, listen and think about music. Trust us you will NEVER listen to music in the same way again once you use Spotify. Check out the following official Spotify ad first… Spotify offers Unlimited *1 music for free *2 *1…